Real Glamour 11 - Ali in Tomato Red and Lime Green

Fashionable woman with hat and coat black and white

Ali Winstanley (a two word poem)

Ali is a photographer, artist and blogger and completely charming. She had a bad cold but very gracefully gave herself up to being photographed.

I'm grateful for that because when I saw her step out of the Lansdown Health Food shop in Lewes I had no choice but to ask her if she would let me photograph her.

Look at those colours. Such style, such elegance, effortless and vibrant. And her toes pointing towards each other. 

One of my favourite things is looking at historical fashion photographs in books and online. If I'd come across a photo of Ali in that beautiful ensemble I would I would have paused and sighed and said "Wow".

Contact Katie if you're interested in this blog and want to take part in any way.

My websites, latest testimonials

Have a look at other Real Glamour Posts

Ali's blog "Ageing Well" (a woman after my own heart)