SEO Tips of the day - Ask not what you want to give your customers but what your customers actually NEED

Hannah Pilfold and her mobile coffee van in Lewes

Hannah Pilfold and her mobile coffee van in Lewes

If you're going to start anywhere with thinking about improving what you offer, start with USEFULNESS.

During challenging financial times people are reluctant to part with their money unless there is a significant benefit from the expenditure. This seems obvious but what many people do is offer their customers what they want to offer their customers, not necessarily recognising the actual needs a cutomers has.

So what do your customers actually need?

Hannah's seems to me to be a perfect example of getting this right.

Hannah's van is parked in Lewes a couple of days a week and sells coffee and sweet treats.  Hannah's mobile coffee provision is useful because

  • She sells coffee. People like coffee, alot
  • She provides a lift at the beginning of the day, or during a day, which may well be needed if that day is full of difficult, or challenging tasks
  • The treat is affordable
  • Hannah provides a place to gather after school drop-off for the chat that parents often enjoy. She makes it extra nice. Extra valuable

A bit of beauty for all

Hannah's beautiful branding (made by Malcom Davis at Lewes Map) reinforces the idea that her coffee is valuable, something special and of high quality. That makes her customers feel that they are valuable, special and, in a subtle way, it makes them feel good.

If it were me I'd call her van Hannah's Lifting Equipment. Because that's what she's doing. She's giving everyone who wants it, a boost, a good start to their day. A day can turn around on a treat.

Hannah's, a need met. That's what we should all be doing

What do your customers actually need? 

Finding that out, nailing it down, is crucial to the successful communication of what your business is. It is also a very rewarding and valuable process. If I can help with that, let me know.

Ways you can see more of Hannah's