160/Sec - Super Shutter Speed

My Lewes Railwayland Project comes into its six month and aside from Experiencing Nature and lots of Mindfulness, and some very pleasing photographs, the biggest gift has been learning the beauty and usefulness of 160/second shutter speed.

I tend to use my Nikon 80-200mm lens when going about photographing nature because I love sharpness against blur.  But it's heavy and so many of my shots have been spoiled by shake.  One day I decided to set the camera to shutter priority (160/sec).  I haven't had a blurred shot since.  I only photograph Nature in good light so it hardly ever fails me as a way of making consistently lovely shots.

It's only taken me thirty years to learn this.  When you've got your big lens, set the shutter priority to 160/sec and keep it there.  Better late than never.