How to photograph silvery jewellery with natural light 2 -

Nine o'clock on a summer's morning, shooting in the shade, using two polystyrene reflectors, no direct light at all.

Photographing Silvery jewellery outside by Katie Vandyck at 100Designs

Click the images to see the details, if you'd like too.

The basic principle is, photograph in an area of shade which is NEXT TO an area of brightness/strong sunshine. The brightness will fill the shadow with soft, almost shadowless light, rendering texture but not overwhelming with contrast.

As always, the most important thing is to move the reflectors around till the highlights and shadows are just how you want them to be, this will change all the time.  

For the smaller pieces of jewellery, an extra, little, piece of polystyrene for precise highlights is very useful indeed.  Just move it around till the highlights are where you want them.

Thanks to Jules, once more, at The Silvery for such gorgeous material.