How to Photograph Jewellery - Spring Sunshine and a Plastic Box

The Silvery jewellery photographed by Katie Vandyck in the May sunshine

What NOT to do

Too much contrast

Too much contrast

Burnt out highlights

Burnt out highlights

Now is the time to shoot jewellery outside. 

Direct, bright sunshine is too bright, too harsh.   Highlights are burnt out, detail is lost.

Photographing in the shadows means the light is too flat, there is not enough contrast.

What you SHOULD do

However, bright sunshine filtered through white plastic gives beautifully diffused, gentle, directional light.  Jewellery will shimmer and glow

I've used a white plastic box because it's stable and the highlights seem to wrap around the jewellery, but any old sheet of white plastic will do

Shooting with sunlight filtered through a white plastic box

All the jewellery is shot from directly above.  Wear either a black or a white top otherwise you'll show up nicely in the shiny jewellery

Diffused sunlight brings out textures gently without burning out detail

Diffused sunlight brings out textures gently without burning out detail

Try putting a piece of black material or card on the opposite side from the direction of the sunlight.  This darkens the outer edges of the jewellery making it look more metallic, more dramatic.  I've used a black cardigan.  Anything black will do

To see more of this lovely jewellery visit  I'll be back soon with more tips but please get in contact if there's anything you'd like to know about shooting products