Lomax and Skinner's beautiful hats, a reflector and reflected sunshine
This is nothing at all like natural light. Not the bright kind, the kind you find just inside the shadows on a bright day.
Both our young models, Gemma and Hasia have extraordinary skin. Working either in cloud-diffused sunlight or in areas where the light was from reflected sunlight and using a reflector to fill in shadows, we achieved an ethereal beauty, very appropriate for Lomax and Skinner's work.
Some very fine reflector holding by Rachel Skinner
The light is filtering through the clouds and Sarah Lomax is kindly and skillfully holding the reflector up to the shadow side of model Hasia's face. Photo by Rachel Skinner
Note the dewiness of Gemma’s eyes, that’s not just youth, that’s the reflector reflecting from the side, softening any shadows and creating a kind of luminescence.
Takeaway Tip. In the shots to the extreme left and right of the above gallery, the subject has been placed in an area of bright shadow (which can be found NEXT to an area of bright sunshine).
A reflector made from a polystyrene insulation tile, or a sheet of silver foil, will soften the shadows for an even more lustrousl look.